God Is


  1. Paul Little, Know What You Believe, (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1968) 34.
  2. Joseph Pearce, Tolkien: Man and Myth, a Literary Life, (London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998), 212.
  3. Ron Highfield, Great Is the Lord: Theology for the Praise of God, (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2008), 18.
  4. Chris Tiegreen, At His Feet: Daily Readings to Deepen Your Walk with Jesus, (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2003), 189.
  5. Douglas Coupland, Life After God, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 352.
  6. From Bill Moyers, A World of Ideas, Part II, found at: www.sermoncentral.com. Stable URL: http://www.sermoncentral.com/illustrations/sermon-illustration-stories-60888.asp
  7. Linda Morris and Karl Zender, Persuasive Writing, (Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishing, 1981), 135.
  8. H.G. Wells, The Soul of a Bishop, (New York: The Macmillan Publishing Company, 1917), 128.
  9. Margaret Feinberg, The Organic God, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007), 48.
  10. Max Lucado, It’s Not About Me: Rescue From the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.), 39.
  11. Garrison Keillor, Life Among The Lutherans, (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2010), 167ff.
  12. J. B. Phillips, Your God Is Too Small, (New York: Touchstone, 1997), 7.
  13. Ana-Maria Rizzuto, The Birth of the Living God, (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1979) 8.
  14. Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, Children’s Letters to God, (Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, 1991).
  15. Lucado, 34.
  16. Lucado, 35.
  17. Anne Lamott paraphrased in Kim Peckham, Stop Laughing: I’m Trying to Make a Point, (Hagerstown, MD: Autumn House, 2008), 66.
  18. John Ortberg, Sermon: The Daniel Project (Part 4) delivered at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, November 22, 2009. Stable URL: http://mppc.org/series/daniel-project/john-ortberg/daniel-project-part-4
  19. C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, (London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005), 80.
  20. Mark Buchanan, Your God is Too Safe, (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2001), 31.
  21. Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design, (New York: Random House Publishing, 2010), 162.
  22. Stephen Hawking, “Why God Did Not Create the Universe”, Wall Street Journal, September 3, 2010.
  23. Paul Davies, “Taking Science on Faith,” New York Times, November 24, 2007.
  24. Michael Denton as quoted in Jerry Bridges, The Joy of Fearing God, (Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 1997), 81.
  25. Quoted in Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg and Luci Swindoll, The Women of Faith Daily Devotional, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002), 122.
  26. Buchanan, 149.
  27. Quoted in Sy Safransky,ed., Sunbeams: A Book of Quotations, (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1993), 63.
  28. Quoted in Skip Heitzig, The Daily God Book: A Birdseye View of the Bible in a Year, (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2010), 28.
  29. Donald Spoto, The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1983), 552.
  30. Greg Laurie, Why Believe: Exploring the Honest Questions of Skeptics, (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2002), 19.
  31. Dorothy McInnis Scura, Conversations with Tom Wolfe, (Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1990), 46.
  32. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy S. Hunt, Love, A Fruit Always in Season: Daily Meditations from the Words of Mother Teresa, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987), 226.
  33. A. Fleming Seay, Project Massive: The Social and Psychological Impact of Online Gaming (Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, May 2006), 53.
  34. Quoted in Emma S. Etuk, Friends: What Would I Do Without Them, (District Heights, MD: Emida International Publishers, 1999), 220.
  35. Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1982), 12.
  36. A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God, (Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications, Inc., 1948) 26.
  37. David Seamands, Healing for Damaged Emotions Workbook, (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 1992), 190.
  38. Robert P. Fitton, 1927, (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, Corp.).
  39. Josh McDowell, Evidence for the Resurrection, (Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 2009), 33.
  40. Quoted in F.W. Boreham, A Casket Of Cameos, (London: Epworth Press, 1926), 32–43.
  41. J. Carl Laney, “God’s Self-Revelation in Exodus 34:6–8,” Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (January–March 2001): 36–51.
  42. Adapted from a story told by Stephen Moseley in his excellent book God: A Biography.
  43. Quoted in Robert L. Deffinbaugh, Let Me See Thy Glory: A Study of the Attributes of God (Dallas, TX: Biblical Studies Press, 2002), 73.
  44. Paddy Chayefsky, Gideon, (New York: Carnegie Productions, Inc, 1961, 1962), 36.
  45. Arthur Miller, Timebends, (New York: Penguin Books, 1987), 482.
  46. Richard Selzer, Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery (Orlando, FL: Harcourt Inc., 1996), 45.
  47. These and other enlightening stats found in John Cook and Karen Jeng, Child Food Insecurity: The Economic Impact on our Nation, Stable URL: www.feedingamerica.org/SiteFiles/child-economy-study.pdf
  48. Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, Children’s Letters to God and Children’s Letters to God: The New Edition.
  49. Linda Falter, “A Beautiful Anger,” Christianity Today, April 27, 2011.
  50. Ibid.
  51. Denise Gellene, “Sleeping pill use grows as economy keeps people up at night,” Los Angeles Times, March 30, 2009.
  52. Quoted in Craig Brian Larson, 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Writers, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2007), 524.
  53. Rick Warren, Stable URL: http://www.facebook.com/pastorrickwarren/posts/205807590902
  54. Billy Graham, Just As I Am, (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997), 226ff
  55. René Schlaepfer, Thrill Ride, (Aptos, CA: Twin Lakes Church, Inc., 2008).
  56. Lee Strobel, What Would Jesus Say, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994), 165.
  57. Ibid.
  58. Craig Groeschel, The Christian Atheist: Believing In God But Living as If He Doesn’t Exist, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010), 13ff.
  59. Feinberg, 20ff.
  60. Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, Children’s Letters to God and Children’s Letters to God: The New Edition.
  61. This idea is developed further in Jerry Bridges, Growing Your Faith: How to Mature in Christ, ch. 3.
  62. Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, (Toronto: Belford Bros., 1876), 52.
  63. Ben Witherington, Laying it on the Line: A Reflection on Lay Ministry, June 4, 2011. Stable URL: http://www.patheos.com/community/bibleandculture/2011/06/04/laying-it-on-the-line-a-reflection-on-lay-ministry/
  64. Quoted in Timothy Radcliffe, Why Go To Church? The Drama of the Eucharist, (New York: Continuum, 2009), 58.
  65. Auguste Émile Louis Marie Molinier, ed., The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal, (London: George Bell and Sons, 1905), 2.
  66. C.S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms (London: C.S. Lewis Pte Ltd., 1958), 98.
  67. Daniel E. Hall, “Religious Attendance: More Cost-Effective Than Lipitor?” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (2006) 19:103–109.
  68. Jonathan Imbody, “Health Benefits of Faith and Church”, The Washington Times, April 30, 2006.
  69. Cassandra Spratling, “Science Points to Higher Power in Health”, Loveland Reporter-Herald, August 11, 2011.
  70. Ibid.
  71. Matthew Parris, “As An Atheist, I Truly Believe Africa Needs God,” The Times of London, December 27, 2008.
  72. H.G. Wells, Mr. Britling Sees It Through, (New York, NY: The MacMillan Company, 1916), 442.